Privacy Policy

At we know how important it is to protect our customers’ privacy and we strive to be clear about how we collect, use, share, transfer and store information your.

In order to carry out any transaction through the online store to place orders for the company’s products, you will be asked to disclose some of your personal information. When you place an order, we will ask for your full name, the address to which the products will be shipped (street, number, area and postal code), your personal telephone number (or any other telephone number you prefer) and your email.

If you participate in an online or offline competition or promotion we run, we may ask for your name, contact information, email address, age and gender, personal or professional interests, other personal characteristics and your opinion about the products and/or our services

These data will in no way be disclosed, made public or sold to third parties, unless this is imposed by some Public Authority (Judicial authorities, etc.). Your sensitive information is disclosed to the relevant bank (e.g. credit card number) and DELETED from our database, immediately after the completion of your order, thus ensuring an even greater level of security.

We use information from the products you search for, view or store to provide you with results that may be of most interest to you and to alert you to future shopping opportunities.

How do we use your information:

• for your registration on this website or a Service,

• to provide a Service you have requested.

• to provide customized content and recommendations based on your past activity on our Services.

• for advertising, such as providing customized advertisements and sponsored content and to send you promotional updates.

• to be able to fulfill our obligations under any contract with you and to serve you under that contract.

• to evaluate and analyze our market, customers, products and services (such as when we ask you for your opinion on our products and services and when we conduct customer research).

• to understand how users use our Services to improve and develop new products and services.

• to conduct free sweepstakes, contests or offers, as permitted by law and

• for other use with your consent.

Access to your information

Under the law in some jurisdictions, you may have the right to request details of the information we collect and to correct inaccuracies in that information. Any further legal rights of users remain unaffected. If permitted by law, we may charge you a small fee to provide this feature. We may refuse to proceed with requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, risk the privacy of others, are highly impractical, or involve access not otherwise required by domestic law.

Data Retention

We take reasonable steps to ensure that information about you is kept only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or for as long as is required by contract or by applicable law.


We, as well as certain third parties that provide content, advertising or other functionality, may use cookies and other technologies on certain parts of our Services.

Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, TV, mobile phone or other device. They enable the carrier that placed them on your device to recognize you across different websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions. Cookies serve many useful purposes.

For example:

Cookies can and do remember login credentials so you don’t have to enter them every time you log into a service.

Cookies help us and third parties to understand which of our products are more popular as they help us see which pages and how much time they spend on them. By studying this type of information, we can better customize products and provide you with a better experience.

Cookies help us and third parties to understand which advertisements you have seen so that you do not receive the same advertisement each time you access the Service.

Cookies help us and third parties deliver relevant content and advertising to you by collecting information about your use of our products and other websites and applications.

When you use a web browser to access the Services, you can set the browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when cookies are being sent. Every browser is different. Go to the Help menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences. Your device’s operating system may contain additional cookie control settings.

However, please note that some Services may be designed to work using cookies, and disabling cookies may affect your ability to use those Services or a certain part of them.

Social Network Plugins

Our Services use social network plug-ins (“Plugins”). When you use a Service that contains plugins, your information may be transferred directly from your device to the operator of the social network. We have no influence on the data collected by the plugin. If you are connected to the social network, your use of our Service may be linked to your social network account. If you interact with the plug-in for example if you select “Like”, “Follow” or “Share” or if a comment is entered, the information may automatically appear on your social network profile. Even if you are not logged into your social network account, plugins may transmit your IP address to social network administrators. Please consider the above when using our Services. For information about the social network administrators of plugins used in our Services (“Administrators”) please read below:

Administrators of plugins used in our Services

If you are a member of one or more of the following social networks and do not wish the Administrator to link the data about your use of our Services with the membership information already stored by the Administrator, please log out of the social network before using our Services.


Controller: Facebook Ireland Limited, Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, 2 Dublin, Ireland (“Facebook”). For more information you can visit Facebook’s Privacy Policy at


Controller: Google Inc., Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). For more information you can visit Google’s Privacy Policy at